14 June, 2010

RMS - Root Mean Square, the measurement of the magnitude of a changing value or quantity.
Peak - maximum or highest amplitude level.
Peak to Peak - the maximum positive and maximum negative values of an AC waveform.
Frequency - the current that keeps on changing directions.

08 June, 2010

The more turns of wire your magnet has, the better.

The more current that passes through the wire, the better.

A thicker core makes a more powerful magnet.

31 May, 2010

Here My Spreadsheet

Flux Lines

Rules of Flux Lines

1. they always form complete closed loops
2. they never cross one another
3. they have a definite direction
4. they try to contract as if they were stretched elastic threads
5. they repel each one another when lying side by side and have the same direction.

24 May, 2010

Exam Coverage


Unit Conversion
-SI units


Force & Work


Ohm's Law

Atomic Theory

Unit Cost

Conductors & Insulator


-E12 range

Series, Parallel & Network

17 May, 2010

Resistor Network

first thing to do is to solve the R3 R4 and R5 by adding them and then redraw it and you will get the value and which is parallel to R2, and then solve those 2 resistors in parallel, after you the value of that redraw it again and you'll get a series circuit and add them all that your total resistance, you can now start solving for the total current and start getting the voltage drop of each resistors in your last series circuit drawing. after you get the total current, go to your second drawing and solve the current drop of 2 resistors in parallel circuit because the current the in parallel will split.

10 May, 2010

series and parallel circiut

series circuit - the components connected in series are connected in single path of current flow in each components

parallel circuit - the components connected in parallel are connected in single path of voltage in each components

03 May, 2010

How To Read A Resistor

How To Read A Resistor

identify the first band, write down the number associated with that color; in this picture it shows a 4 band resistor, first color is yellow and that's '4'.

now the next color is purple, so write down a '7' next to the four.

Now the third color is orange or the 'multiplier exponent' band and orange has three zeros and you see a big gap and next to it the tolerance is gold, that's ±5%

so we have '47x103 ±5% = 47KΩ ±5%'

19 April, 2010

computer ergonomics

computer ergonomics

1. keyboard and mouse position - to reduce the wrist strain while typing, take a minute rest
2. computer screen height, angle/position and brightness - make sure the distance, viewing angle and brightness of your monitor
3. angle of backrest and height of the chair - adjust the height and the angle of your chair
4. room lighting - always use lights while using computers

29 March, 2010

week 5

we do the experiment using the candle and wire to measure how much energy we can get in fire. we get a very very small amount of voltage in this experiment

22 March, 2010

4th week

last week I've learned about triangles and vectors, Mr. Plunket teach us how to measure the height of the building by using the angle and my distance to it. Mr. PC give us an assignment for PDV so he let us to do it at his class or at home for two meetings.

15 March, 2010

3rd week

Last week I've learned about the way how to compute the value of each side of a triangle using the SOHCAHTOA and H2=A2+O2. We also studied how much power we consume in our home in KW/hr, and how much work does it produce. Mr. Phil teach us how to draw an object in different ways. In our practical class we do the same thing. In Weekends we watch the match of Manny Pacqiuao and Joshua Clottey, I think this match is kind a boring for manny but he won the match and retain his title.

08 March, 2010

2nd week

last week Mr. Phil teach us how to log-in to the blackboard and create our own blog, in the afternoon we meet Mr. Philip for the Personal Development class. the next day, we have electrical theory and do some exercises and draw our electrical diagram. the next day, we do the soldering class and we go again to Personal development class. the next day, our last day we have the electrical theory again with Mr. Phil and in the afternoon we to our hand-skill class with Mr. Philip and do the metal works exercise.

01 March, 2010

1st week

hi everyone, I'm very excited in my first day at school, i meet new friends and teachers.